Beeches Veterinary Centre's home page
  • Call our surgery01225 793335
  • Out of hours01225 793335
  • Emergency01225 793335

Click & Collect

Order here to collect food or medication

Please fill in the form below to request any food or medications you require. After ordering our team will be in contact to let you know when ready for collection or delivery. They will also be able to check your records to ensure your order matches up to previous ones if you can't remember exactly.

Please note we do not encourage stockpiling of vital medications with excess orders. This includes things such as flea and worm products.

Please address all non-urgent queries about your order by email to

Please do not phone the clinic for medication queries unless urgent as we are prioritising phone traffic for urgent and emergency care.

Please note that it can take up to 72 hours (excluding the weekend) for your order to be processed and we advise you to wait for contact from the clinic stating that your order is ready before calling or visiting.

Order Form

Please ensure collection date is 48hrs in the future
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